something that can help be okay with anyone anywhere, Improv theater
most of us don’t know how to be with people we don’t know, but strangers are a part of our life.
the change from goes away to come closer, from possible threat to an opportunity.
Improv is a tool anyone can use to be better at anything, especially to be better with strangers.
5 tips tricks Ideas that might help
Let’s train our small talk muscles, cause without small talk there’s no big talk
Say Yes to what you feel and think.
For anything to actually happen accept each other’s ideas,
say YES in life, first to yourself
you have thought that might stay with you and die, or you can pass that thought,
when you compliment someone don’t expect a thank you, or smile or a compliment, you can’t control how people will react, you can control what you can do.
We are not machines, it’s ok to be vulnerable.
We ask google maps for directions cause we feel safe, then no one can hurt, it’s natural to protect yourself from rejection, but it’s impossible to protect yourself only from the bad, so you put up walls that also protect you from the good.
Stop trying to be interesting try to be interested.
for you improvisers, at first, it’s hard to deliver as there is a boundary, “whatever I say has to be interesting”, what happens there is silence.
Instead, say something to make it worth it,
truly curious mind will always be charming, always
don’t fake your interest, if you are not focusing 100% on your partner, you are stealing from yourself, if you have decided to spend your time on this, make it worth it. there has to be something that you both care about, and finding that will be the stepping stone of future connections
If you want to be appreciated appreciate others
Cherish time and everything you create, cause as improvisers your work is fragile.
We all want to succeed in life. But I can't control that, what I can control is myself, So I can be grateful and help others feel appreciated. There are so many people to whom you thank every day, still, you don’t.
Give others what you desire, do not spend a single hour without thanking someone.
You will Fail! Sometimes
You can read all the books and take all the courses in the world, but still, you will sometimes fail
It’s important to remember
It’s not about you!
if it does not go well, most of the time nothing do with it. We have no idea what the other person is thinking about, and it’s okay
if it does go well, still don’t take it personally
Changing the behaviour of society takes time.
It’s time for us to stop hiding behind excuses. cause there are plenty of em.
one could be parents, as parents told you not to talk to strangers, that’s completely perfect, they are trying to protect you, but it would be great if the parents come back and tell you that now you can talk to strangers, rather you should.
there could also be personal reasons, our previous experiences,
Past is important without it no there is no future if we let it shape our future we won’t get to it, and we’ll be stuck in a never-ending-loop of hope for better days
“I don’t want to change the world, the world doesn't need this, I need it, I want a better, a friendlier environment”
So that we would feel free to look at each other and say “I don’t know you yet” instead of “I don’t know you”
Every stranger is an opportunity to fight your shyness.