Capturing: Corralling Your "Stuff"

Part of Getting Things Done - David Allen

Writing Cow

First of all, grab your In-trays and empty papers to grab every mental and physical liability.

Start with your desktop and gather everything that is a possible “incomplete”.

Check your desk drawers, countertops, cabinets and other places.

This is not about throwing away things, is just about gathering everything that is probably taking space in our mental estate, without rent.

Next should be a sweep of everything that is in your tech world scattered all over the place.

Check your phone's inboxes, mail inboxes, your desktop, browser bookmarks etc.

Next and very important thing is a mind Sweep

As in the 21st century, most of the liabilities don’t have a physical form. Try to remember everything that nags you and write it down on a list or on separate papers,
Here is a list of things to help GTDIncompletionTrigger_List.pdf
Go through this list and it might trigger some open loops, just jot down those open loops somewhere, You don't have to judge the thing you just have to write it down somewhere, so that it can be processed later.

But “in” doesn’t stay “in”, something is down with this pile of open loops, that brings us to the next part. Clarifying.